Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Ruby Sparks (2012)

"This is the true and impossible story of my very great love. In the hope that she will not read this and reproach me, I have withheld many telling details: her name, the particulars of her birth and upbringing, and any identifying scars or birth marks. All the same, I cannot help but write this for her, to tell her "I'm sorry for every word I wrote to change you, I'm sorry for so many things. I couldn't see you when you were here and, now that you're gone, I see you everywhere."

There once came a movie that one should watch it on his/her own.

This is that kind of movie. The kind of movie yang bikin mikir buat mulai, dan memulai kembali, menyambung kata di halaman kosong.

This is not a love story, also not a story about love.

This is a story, about Ruby.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Korean for dummies

...or frantic idiots. Doesn't matter when all you can think about is Kpop with:
Big Bang
Super Junior

Seperti biasa gue, pengangguran dari sudut pandang manapun, menerima ucapan terima kasih dengan tubuh siap dipeluk setelah menyediakan informasi lebih banyak tentang Korea mengingat betapa luasnya Korea hanya untuk teman-teman rupawan kita diatas.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Honey, it has been 10 years!

Ladieeees and gentleman, we're proud to say, the only competitor who match Julian Casablancas sexy-ness, has back with his band after more than 10 years in absent, give it up for Brett Anderson...!

Or should I say, Suede is back in town!

Monday, January 21, 2013



Gue anak rumahan keren yang bilang 'iya' di setiap 'engga' lo dan yang butuh jeda waktu 5 detik buat bengong dari setiap pertanyaan yang lo kasih ke gue.